Gateway Restoration International Network, Inc
Meet The Team
The Apostolic Team is the Presbytery of Gateway Restoration International Network, Inc. It has oversight of all the ministries under the Spiritual Covering of GRIN: ministers, churches, theological seminaries, and outreach ministries of all types, etc. The team provides spiritual leadership, counseling, training, prayer and deliverance. It is responsible for visitation of the ministries and ministers under the spiritual covering to provide: Leadership training, to set in order and help build up their visions, give rest to the spiritual leaders, train their staff, fill-in during vacations or sabbaticals, and to hold revivals, etc.
Pastoral Team
The Pastoral Team is the ministerial body that carries out the care of the sheep. It consists of the Ministers of Gateway Restoration Church, Pastors, Evangelists, Teachers, and servant ministries such as Deacon/Deaconess. It is responsible for Sunday school, Bible Study, Children Ministry, and Youth and Young Adult Ministries as well as Outreach, etc.